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***Crowning a New #1 Contender***

Odyssey of the Elite Champion Khalil Akbar defeated not 1 but 2 people last month and add their names to his championship and now he is just one defense and name away from being able to cash his championship in anytime he wants to face the EPW Champion, but first we have to find out who that person will be. The EPW Board of directors have decided that Nov 5th we will have a 5 man elimination match to see who that person will be. One of the men to enter this match was just defeated by Khalil but is an EPW Original and favorite of the Board of the Directors, Jon Scrutch. Next we have a new comer in EPW that is looking to make his make in the company in this match Damon Jackson. Then we have Mr Bad Vibe Killer Rhashad himself who needs no introduction as his in ring work these past few months have done the talking for him. Up next is Cecil Cerveza since he made his debut he he has fought everyone that has been put in front of him and just kept asking for more well here is more. Last but not leastis the big man Yoder who made his return this past month and got the fans behind him quick could we see him get the win Nov 13th in Odon? Only way to find out is to join us in the park at the Community Center.

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